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How to Use A Fire Hose Reel Step by Step

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Fire hose reels are essential firefighting equipment used to deliver water to extinguish fires in a variety of settings such as industrial, commercial, and residential areas. However, their effectiveness can be compromised if not used safely and correctly. Here are some fire hose reel safety guidelines:

  1. Determine the location: The first step in installing a fire hose reel is to determine the best location for it. The location should be easily accessible and visible, and it should be located near a water supply. It is also important to ensure that the fire hose reel is installed in compliance with local building and fire codes.

  2. Install the mounting bracket: Once you have determined the location for the fire hose reel, you need to install the mounting bracket. The mounting bracket should be securely attached to the wall or structure to ensure that the fire hose reel is stable.

  3. Install the water supply: Once the mounting bracket is in place, you need to install the water supply. The water supply should be connected to a reliable water source and should be installed with a shutoff valve.

  4. Install the hose reel assembly: The hose reel assembly should be installed onto the mounting bracket. Make sure that the assembly is properly aligned and secured.

  5. Connect the hose: The fire hose should be connected to the hose reel assembly. Make sure that the hose is securely connected and that the couplings are properly aligned.

  6. Test the system: Once the fire hose reel is installed, you need to test the system to ensure that it is functioning correctly. This includes checking the water supply, checking the hose for leaks or damage, and ensuring that the hose reel can be easily accessed and used in case of a fire emergency.

  7. Maintain the system: Finally, it is important to maintain the fire hose reel system to ensure that it is always in good working condition. This includes regular inspections, testing, and maintenance to ensure that the system is ready to use in case of a fire emergency.

By following these safety guidelines, fire hose reels can be used effectively and safely to help prevent and extinguish fires.

fire hose reel

Fire Hose Reel Regulations as2441 - Australian Standard

AS 2441 is an Australian Standard that specifies the minimum requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of fire hose reels in buildings and structures. The standard applies to all fire hose reels installed in buildings and structures for fire protection purposes. Some of the key regulations specified in AS 2441 include:

  1. Location and accessibility: Fire hose reels should be located in easily accessible and visible locations, and should be installed so that any part of the building can be reached with a hose length of 36 meters.

  2. Installation: Fire hose reels must be installed following the manufacturer's instructions, and should be securely mounted on a solid wall or fixed to a structure capable of supporting the weight of the reel and the water supply.

  3. Hose: The hose used for fire hose reels must be made of high-quality materials that are resistant to heat, abrasion, and puncture, and should be capable of withstanding a pressure of at least 2.4 MPa.

  4. Nozzles: The nozzle used for fire hose reels must be designed to provide a solid stream of water and must be capable of controlling the flow of water.

  5. Water supply: The water supply to the fire hose reels should be sufficient to provide a minimum pressure of 0.2 MPa at the outlet of the hose reel, and the water supply should be protected against backflow and contamination.

  6. Maintenance: Fire hose reels must be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure that they are in good working condition and ready for use in case of a fire.

These are just some of the key regulations specified in AS 2441. It is important to consult the full standard to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Fire Hose Reel Installation Australian Standards

The primary Australian Standard governing the installation of fire hose reels is AS 2441-2005. This standard provides guidelines for the installation and commissioning of fire hose reels in buildings and structures, including requirements for water supply, positioning, and testing of the reels. The standard also includes requirements for the signage and labelling of fire hose reels, and it provides guidance on the selection of fire hose reels for different applications.

AS/NZS 1221:1997 is another Australian Standard that applies to fire hose reels. This standard provides specifications for the construction and performance of fire hose reels, including requirements for hose size, length, and construction. It also provides guidance on the design of hose reels for different applications, such as residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

It is important to note that these standards are periodically updated and revised. For example, AS 2441-2005 has been amended and reissued as AS 2441-2005 AMDT 1 and AS 2441-2005 REC:2018. It is important to ensure that fire hose reel installations are compliant with the most current version of the relevant Australian Standard.

In summary, fire hose reel installation in Australia is subject to specific guidelines and standards, including AS 2441-2005 and AS/NZS 1221:1997. Compliance with these standards can help ensure that fire hose reels are installed correctly and function properly in the event of a fire emergency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fire Hose Reel

Fire hose reels are an important component of fire safety equipment, and they have certain advantages and disadvantages that should be considered.

The advantages of fire hose reels include their suitability for fighting Class A fires, which are fires caused by normal combustibles like paper, textiles, wood, most plastics, and rubber. They are ideal for fighting fires in their early stages and can be used in a range of settings, from homes and offices to factories and warehouses. Fire hose reels are also relatively easy to use, and they can be operated by a single person with minimal training.

However, fire hose reels also have some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that they may not be suitable for all types of fires. For example, they may not be effective in fighting Class B or C fires, which involve flammable liquids or electrical equipment, respectively. Additionally, fire hose reels require a constant supply of water, which may not be readily available in all situations. Finally, fire hose reels can be expensive to install and maintain, and they may require regular testing and inspection to ensure they are functioning properly.

Overall, fire hose reels can be an effective tool for fighting Class A fires in their early stages, but they have limitations that should be considered when selecting fire safety equipment for a particular setting. It is important to consult with a fire safety expert to determine the best fire safety equipment for your specific needs.

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